How to run PowerShell by double-clicking
How to do it for Windows/macOS respectively
For Windows
Prepare the following two files.
Double click on the bat file to run the PowerShell script.
Files to prepare
- Execute.bat
- script.ps1
Contents of the batch file
By writing “pushd %~dp0” at the beginning of the batch file,
the script path can be written as a relative path.
pushd %~dp0
powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned ".\script.ps1"
For macOS
Prepare the following two files.
Double-click on the command file to execute the PowerShell script.
Files to prepare
- Execute.command
- script.ps1
Contents of the command file
By writing “cd `dirname $0`” at the beginning of the command file, you can describe the script path as a relative path.
The path to the script can be written as a relative path.
cd `dirname $0`
pwsh -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned "./script.ps1"