Hash Table
Hash Table
Hash table can store information as a set of keys and values.
Hash table does not guarantee the order of storage.
How to create an hash table
# Normal example
PS> $hash = @{
>> Key1 = "Value1"
>> Key2 = 1,2
>> }
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
Key2 {1, 2}
Key1 Value1
# Single line example. Separated by semicolons.
PS> $hash = @{Key1 = "Value1"; Key2 = 1,2}
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
Key2 {1, 2}
Key1 Value1
How to access the elements of hash table
# Property-based access methods $hash.Key
PS> $hash.Key1
PS> $hash.Key2
# Accessing elements using index $hash["Key"]
PS> $hash["Key1"]
PS> $hash["Key2"]
Adding elements to hash table
How to add keys and values.
# Property-based access methods $hash.Key = Value
PS> $hash.Key3 = "NewValue3"
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
Key1 Value1
Key2 {1, 2}
Key3 NewValue3
# Accessing elements using index $hash["Key"] = Value
PS> $hash["Key4"] = "NewValue4"
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
Key3 NewValue3
Key2 {1, 2}
Key1 Value1
Key4 NewValue4
Removing elements of hash table
Use the Remove method to remove an element from hash table.
PS> $hash.Remove("Key3")
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
Key2 {1, 2}
Key1 Value1
Key4 NewValue4
Clearing hash table
Using the Clear method to clear hash table.
PS> $hash.Clear()
PS> $hash
Hash table with Guaranteed Order
If you want to guarantee the order in which the keys are stored, add [ordered].
Since the storage order is guaranteed, you can access by index value as in $table[number]
Available in PowerShell V3 and later.
PS> $ordered = [ordered]@{first=1;second=2}
PS> $ordered.first
PS> $ordered[0]
User-defined objects
To create a user-defined object, add [pscustomobject].
It can be sorted and selected like any other object.
Available in PowerShell V3 and later.
PS> $object = [PSCustomObject]@{Shell="PowerShell";Computer="Windows"}
PS> $object
Shell Computer
----- --------
PowerShell Windows
# Example of using a created user-defined object (CSV file output)
PS> $object | Export-CSV -Path ./object.csv
How to sort by key or value
By nature, hash tables are used to refer to values by keys.
If you still want to sort it, use GetEnumerator()
PS> $hash = @{key1 = 1; key2 = 2; key10 = 10; key3 = 3; key13 = 13}
PS> $hash
Name Value
---- -----
key13 13
key1 1
key2 2
key3 3
key10 10
PS> $hash.GetEnumerator() | sort value
Name Value
---- -----
key1 1
key2 2
key3 3
key10 10
key13 13
Hash table and foreach statement
To handle hash table in foreach statement, use $hash.Keys
PS> $hash = @{key1 = 1; key2 = 2; key10 = 10; key3 = 3; key13 = 13}
PS> foreach ($key in $hash.Keys) {
>> "$($key):$($hash.$key)"
>> }
Click here for a video explanation.
Reference Links
Everything you wanted to know about hashtables | Microsoft Docs