Let's try device_info [Flutter]


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Example of device_info

There is a device_info in the plugins repository of flutter.
There is an example in it.
You can learn how to use it by referring to the example.


Properties and corresponding output examples

The comment part is an output example.

  // Comments are example.
  Map<String, dynamic> _readAndroidBuildData(AndroidDeviceInfo build) {
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'version.securityPatch': build.version.securityPatch, // 2020-09-05
      'version.sdkInt': build.version.sdkInt, // 30
      'version.release': build.version.release, // 11
      'version.previewSdkInt': build.version.previewSdkInt, // 0
      'version.incremental': build.version.incremental, // 6903271
      'version.codename': build.version.codename, // REL
      'version.baseOS': build.version.baseOS, // 
      'board': build.board, // goldfish_x86
      'bootloader': build.bootloader, //unknown
      'brand': build.brand, // google
      'device': build.device, // generic_x86_arm
      'display': build.display, // sdk_gphone_x86_arm-userdebug 11 RSR1.201013.001 6903271 dev-keys
      'fingerprint': build.fingerprint, // google/sdk_gphone_x86_arm/generic_x86_arm:11/RSR1.201013.001/6903271:userdebug/dev-keys
      'hardware': build.hardware, // ranchu
      'host': build.host, // abfarm-us-west1-c-0007
      'id': build.id, // RSR1.201013.001
      'manufacturer': build.manufacturer, // Google
      'model': build.model, // sdk_gphone_x86_arm
      'product': build.product, // sdk_gphone_x86_arm
      'supported32BitAbis': build.supported32BitAbis, // [x86, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
      'supported64BitAbis': build.supported64BitAbis, // []
      'supportedAbis': build.supportedAbis, // [x86, armeabi-v7a, armeabi]
      'tags': build.tags, // dev-keys
      'type': build.type, // userdebug
      'isPhysicalDevice': build.isPhysicalDevice, // false
      'androidId': build.androidId,
      'systemFeatures': build.systemFeatures,

  Map<String, dynamic> _readIosDeviceInfo(IosDeviceInfo data) {
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'name': data.name,  // iPhone 12 Pro Max
      'systemName': data.systemName,  // iOS
      'systemVersion': data.systemVersion,  // 14.3
      'model': data.model,  // iPhone
      'localizedModel': data.localizedModel,  // iPhone
      'identifierForVendor': data.identifierForVendor,  // CD0C5C59-A3E7-499E-BD1E-3E0A3B900D32
      'isPhysicalDevice': data.isPhysicalDevice,  // false
      'utsname.sysname:': data.utsname.sysname, // Darwin
      'utsname.nodename:': data.utsname.nodename, // MacBook-Pro.local
      'utsname.release:': data.utsname.release, // 20.1.0
      'utsname.version:': data.utsname.version, // Darwin Kernel Version 20.1.0: Sat Oct 31 00:07:11 PDT 2020; root:xnu-7195.50.7~2/RELEASE_X86_64
      'utsname.machine:': data.utsname.machine, // x86_64